GroundZero Aerospace LLP

Is a company that specializes in offering drone flying courses. We go beyond just providing training by connecting students with renowned drone flying institutes through our online portal. By partnering with these institutes, we ensure that our students receive comprehensive and high-quality training, setting them on the path to becoming skilled drone pilots.

At GroundZero Aerospace LLP, we also offer a platform for drone pilots to register and create public profiles. This enables companies in need of drone pilots to browse through the profiles and hire pilots who best fit their requirements. Our aim is to facilitate a seamless connection between talented drone pilots and companies seeking their expertise.

Furthermore, drone training institutes have the opportunity to register on our website and showcase their courses. This allows them to reach a wider audience and attract aspiring drone enthusiasts who are eager to learn and grow in this exciting industry.

About Company

Contributing the advancement in this remarkable industry.

We continue to strive for excellence, innovation, and growth as we expand our services and contribute to the ever-evolving field of drone technology.

Ultimate Vision

Our ultimate vision is to establish a strong bridge that connects the various stakeholders in the drone industry, including institutes, candidates, and companies. By fostering collaboration and providing a platform for growth and development, we strive to contribute to the advancement of this remarkable industry.

Ultimate Mission

In terms of our mission, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional training experiences and facilitating meaningful connections. We aim to empower individuals by equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the world of drones.

Aour Achivements

Our skill made us different

As for our achievements, GroundZero Aerospace LLP takes pride in its significant milestones. 

Board of Directors

we have a team of highly experienced professionals who bring diverse expertise to the table.

Their guidance and strategic insights drive the success of GroundZero Aerospace LLP. Each member of our board is deeply committed to the growth and excellence of our company.